Syria’s Democratic Uprising at the 2018 Left Forum

1 min readMay 23, 2018


Protest against keynote speaker, Green Party 2016 vice-presidential candidate, and leading Assadist Ajamu Baraka:

Come to Left Forum 2018 on Saturday, June 2 for a three-part panel/workshop track dedicated to the challenge of the Syrian revolution to building an internationalist socialist movement in the US!

Imperialism, “Anti-Imperialism” and the Syrian Revolution (12PM-1:50PM)

Red-Brown Alliances, Fake News and Genocide Denialism (2PM-3:50PM)

The Movements We Have and The Revolution We Need: What Is To Be Done? (4PM-5:50PM)

Sponsored by: Anti-War Committees in Solidarity with the Struggles for Self-Determination (AWCs); Eugene Debs Caucus of DSA; News & Letters Committee; Oakland Socialist; Socialist Workers Alliance of Guyana.

Videos from previous Syrian revolution panels at the forum:

